When you work The PitchPack, you get:

  • Bespoke designed video brochures i.e. PitchPacks
  • End to end video production
  • Content and message development
  • Personal video greetings filmed with your people or a professional presenter
  • Video brochures assembled to your specification and delivered

General marketing campaign services include:

  • Fully SEO’d microsites for lead generation
  • Strategic and tactical social media propagation to help get your video/s viral
  • Personalised services for named campaigns, including video brochure distribution. This includes individually named packs and video introductions given by you or members of your team
  • Email capture and full analytics
  • Email marketing services
  • End to End event organisation for lead generation, via our sister company EventExtra
The PitchPack is the perfect way to stand out from the crowd.

Contact us
to discuss your needs today!